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  Aug 19 2010 -  Spotting things you'll want to see today.
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This is the August 19 2010 edition of Who's Blogging What, a newsletter that closely monitors 1,100 top web marketing blogs for online professionals involved in social media, search marketing, email, user experience and web analytics. Subscribers are updated with highlights and useful new links every Thursday. If you would like to be kept up to date you may enter your email address in the box at the right.

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Facebook explained Places in a short video

Going Places

The urban sociologist Ray Oldenburg probably sold a few extra copies of his book Celebrating The Third Place this week. His book, explaining the importance of gathering places that were neither home nor work, was cited by Facebook when they announced the much anticipated launch of Facebook Places. The new service was nicely explained by both PC World and Mashable for users and businesses.

The Business Insider explained Facebook's goal to become the platform on which all check-in apps are built. Foursquare and Gowalla were announced as developmental partners but their roles could be forcibly changed, as Inside Facebook described a scenario where the existing services operate more as FB app developers than as fully stand alone operations.

The overall reaction to Places was mostly positive, although Between The Lines described the possible 'creep' factor of making your whereabouts known. Facebook seemed to push the long term historical aspect of the service, anecdotally forecasting that users might stumble upon the location where their parents first kissed years ago. Facebook seemed to fully anticipate the privacy issues, although the NYT Bits blog already posted about concerns at the ACLU level.

The service essentially exists only as an iPhone app right now (Mashable provided some screen shots). PC World listed three ways that businesses can take advantage of Places and Social Media B2B added five uses that B2B companies should examine. The first steps towards getting found would be to set up your business as a 'Place' and then claiming it on your existing FB pages.

“...social networks are powerful forces for driving registrations on your site...”

Social Identity:
7 Best Practices for Driving Web Registrations

Download the report here

The ability to have web visitors register using an existing identity from social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, or Yahoo has become a powerful audience building tool. The use of an established social media identity not only streamlines the registration process but also gives your business a head start on building deeper relationships with visitors. Some highlights from this special report:

  • Putting the top social brands to work on your web site
  • The benefits of providing multiple social identity options
  • Using available data to streamline registration
  • The visual cues that complete the process
  • Inside tips to optimize your own web site

The Gigya corporation has provided this complimentary download.

Download Now

The most useful posts of the week
Social Media
  • 3 Ways Facebook's Pending Page Changes Affect Marketers [HubSpot]
  • Facebook E-Commerce: A Look At Facebook Shopping Carts [Search Engine Land]
  • Facebook Tabs: What They Are & How to Use Them [ReadWriteWeb]
  • Facebook Page Tactics on Turning a Facebook user into a buyer [Jesper Astrom]
  • Optimizing Facebook Status Updates For Local Marketing [Search Engine Land]
  • The Secret To How JVC Gained 35,000 Fans In 30 Days [All Facebook]
  • JVC Facebook Page Sweepstakes a Big Success. But Does it Violate Facebook Guidelines? [Adam Sherk]
  • Targeting Your Facebook Messaging For the Greatest Impact [Search Engine Watch]
  • 15 Simple Ways to Integrate Facebook into Your Website [App Storm]
  • How to optimize your LinkedIn profile [SocialMedia.Biz]

Search Marketing
  • 10 SEO Tips to Triple Keyword Visibility [SEO Design Solutions]
  • PPC Ad Sitelinks: What They Are & How To Get Them [Search Engine People]
  • Using the Broad Match Modifier in PPC [Word Stream]
  • Top 5 real time search engines [Pandia]
  • The Need to Know Local Search Marketing Terms [Vertical Measures]
  • Video Sitemaps: Understanding location tags [Google Webmaster]
  • 12 Amazing SEO Infographics [HubSpot]

User Experience
  • 5 Beautiful Landing Pages That Prove Great Design Still Sells [Kissmetrics]
  • The Seven-Step Process for Writing Enticing Product Descriptions [Marketing Words]
  • 30 Beautiful Infographics for your Inspiration [1st webdesigner]
  • A round-up of eight inspiring email subscribe form designs [Campaign Monitor]
  • Mobile Web Design: Best Practices [Six Revisions]
  • 22 Awesome 404 Error Pages [Underworld]

Email Marketing
  • Background color and alignment issues in Windows Live [Campaign Monitor]
  • 10 Easy Ways to Build a Powerful Email List [Digital Labz]
  • Email Dominates Mobile Web Time [Emarketer]
  • Do iframes work in email? [Campaign Monitor]
  • The rise of mobile and what it means for email marketers [Smart Insights]

  • New Features for the Bing Webmaster Tools [Bing Community]

Radar Screen

  • Smartphones Pushing Mobile Coupons into Mainstream [Reve News]
  • Facebook Buys Chai Labs, a Semantic Search Startup [Inside Facebook]
  • Facebook Gains Video Viewers [Marketing Charts]
  • Meet Swingly, a Q&A tool powered by robots [Web Crawler]

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