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  Apr 29 2010 -  Spotting things you'll want to see today.
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This is the April 29 2010 edition of Who's Blogging What, a newsletter that closely monitors 1,100 top web marketing blogs for online professionals involved in social media, search marketing, email, user experience and web analytics. Subscribers are updated with highlights and useful new links every Thursday. If you would like to be kept up to date you may enter your email address in the box at the right.

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Facebook's Like is spreading quickly

A lot to like from Facebook?

The introduction of Facebook's "Open Graph" plugins kept the web marketing community in full absorption mode this week. More than 50,000 sites quickly installed 'Like' buttons.

The inevitable eco system has begun to raise its head. All Facebook pointed to as the first Facebook powered social start page/portal. The first effects on real-time search results were documented by Marketing Pilgrim. Inside Facebook summarized a developer's land rush towards new aggregation and search apps while WebProNews took a look ahead at the new reputation management strategies that will be forthcoming.

Facebook upped the ante when it began to suggest pages that users could link to their profiles, similar to the Twitter suggested follower program. Google didn't seem to like what they were hearing. On Tuesday they decided to remind users that they list pages "similar to" ones that you like. For one week, however, there was a lot more excitement about human recommendations as opposed to the algorithmic version.

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The most useful posts of the week
Try out our new 'Like' button here:
Social Media
  • Adding the Facebook Like Button To Your Site [Duct Tape Marketing]
  • 8 Enhancements to LinkedIn's Sharing Feature Make Your Content Even Sexier [HubSpot]
  • Facebook Open Graph: The Definitive Guide For Publishers, Users and Competitors [ReadWriteWeb]
  • 15 Applications For A Better Facebook Fan Page [Inspired]
  • How to Add the Facebook Like Button to a Webpage [Lyndon Reid]
  • Twitter, Facebook Leading Social Media Marketing Tools [Marketing Charts]
  • 5 Great Ways to Use Twitter Annotations [CMS Newswire]
  • What the Open Graph means for Facebook [Digital Marketing Zen]
  • 3 Tips for Optimizing & Improving Your LinkedIn Presence [10 Golden Rules]
  • How To Turn Your Site Into A Facebook Fan Page [Blackweb 2.0]

Search Marketing
  • 5 Types of Link Building [Search Engine Journal]
  • How to Optimize YouTube Videos for SEO [Daily SEO Tip]
  • 3 Creative Ideas to Use Google for Link Building Search [Search Engine Journal]
  • A New Feature-Rich SEO FireFox Addon: SEO Doctor [Search Engine Journal]
  • 9 Places to Use Keyphrases When Building a Web Page [Marketing Words]

User Experience
  • How To Solve Shopping Cart Abandonent [PPC Blog]
  • 68 Fresh and Great Examples of Single Page Website Design Inspiration [Theme Flash]
  • 20 Website Designs with a Desktop Motif [Visual Swirl]
  • 10 Amazing Google Chrome Extensions for Designers [Skyje]
  • Top 8 Principles of Effective Website Designing [Pixel Crayons]
  • Multi-Layered Design: Guidelines and Examples [Noupe]
  • 5 awesome HTML5 demos [Designer Daily]
  • 25 High-Quality Windows Font Pack [Web Design Soul]

Email Marketing
  • Examples of Shopping Cart Abandonment Emails and Best Practises [ProImpact7]
  • Three Reasons Why Email Senders Divorce ESPs [Deliverability]

  • URL Destination Goal Tracking in Google Analytics [10 Golden Rules]
  • Google Website Optimizer and Google Analytics - Interpreting the Data [VKI Studios]
  • Why Do Professional SEOs Push Google Analytics? [Level 343]

Radar Screen

  • That Coke Can You're Holding Could Be Your New Media Channel [Ad Age]
  • Facebook Sends Window Decals to Local Businesses [Mashable]
  • New Facebook First-Time User Flow Now Includes Suggested Pages [Inside Facebook]

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