Twitter at 50
Twitter issued some status updates of its own this week. On Monday they announced the milestone of 50 million Tweets a day, exclusive of spam Tweets and up from 2009's 35 million per day. EConsultancy blogged a common concern that this might be too much of a good thing for marketers -- many Tweets are going unheard and meaningful conversation is nearly impossible given the maelstrom. Gigaom provided some perspective, comparing the Twitter number to Facebook's 60 million per day. The numbers provided by Twitter were very top line (although they promised more detail to come) so The Next Web used Compete data to get a more complete look at Twitter's growth which they agreed is truly explosive.
Twitter made the point that Tweets per day was only part of the story and that the distribution of those Tweets was critically important. This led nicely into the Tuesday announcement that Yahoo is now including Tweets in their search results. Speculation grew that same day about an 'imminent' advertising platform although a cryptic Tweet from Twitter's Anamitra Banerji seemed to indicate that 'imminence' may be subject to speculation.