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Oct 29, 2009 - Spotting things you'll want to see today.
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This is the October 29 2009 edition of Who's Blogging What, a newsletter that covers over 1,000 top web marketing blogs for online professionals involved in social media, search marketing, email, user experience and web analytics. Subscribers are updated with highlights and useful new links every Thursday. If you would like to be kept up to date you may enter your email address in the box at the right.

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See a Verizon video describing the new Droid smartphone

Going Places?

This week's iPhone killer seems different from the rest. It has Verizon, Motorola and Google in its corner and is packing a serious killer app. Wednesday's unveiling of the Droid revealed a huge screen, physical qwerty keyboard, five megapixel video camera and user changeable battery packed into a phone that is almost the same size and one ounce heavier than the iPhone. Gizmodo did a complete hands on of the first Android 2.0 phone and declared it a terminator. The NY Times' Gadgetwise added the unsurprising but undeniable truth - Google's Android system powers phones that have extremely valuable search functions.

No one can challenge the iPhone based on search and flashy hardware alone. The iPhone app ecosystem has so far kept all challengers at bay. This is probably why Google picked Wednesday to announce a richly featured turn by turn navigation app, free. The system leverages Google Map's satellite and street views along with Google search which can guide you to a destination even if you don't know the street address. Traffic data is pumped in as well. The blog IntoMobile published a video of a Google product manager doing a full demo. Google was able to create a nav system with features that will be extremely difficult to match. On Wall Street the stock prices of TomTom and Garmin plummeted.

Google was unclear about plans to share its new advantage with the iPhone. TechCrunch suggested that they make Apple beg for it given Apple's (or perhaps AT&T's) decision to block Google Voice apps last July. Several bloggers pointed out that Google was also flexing its muscles against the carriers in a now full blown effort to achieve dominance in smart phones and mobile computing.

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The most useful posts of the week

Social Media
  • 5 Ways To Instantly Boost Your Facebook Page Traffic [All Facebook]
  • 7 Characteristics of Highly Effective Twitter Pages [RSS Ray]
  • 5 New Features In The Upgraded Facebook Ad Manager [All Facebook]
  • Five Killer Press Release Tips for Small Businesses [Small Biz Trends]
  • 5 Ways To Use Twitter's New List Feature For Marketers [Influential Marketing]
  • Connecting with Customers on Twitter - 9 Tips for Success [10e20]
  • Facebook woos developers with a roadmap [Web Crawler]
  • 5 Tips To Avoid Being Filtered From Twitter Search [SheGeeks]

Search Marketing
  • SEO Tips for Sitemaps [SEO Design Solutions]
  • Use Transient PPC Campaigns To Support Branding Efforts [Search Engine Land]
  • An update on Rich Snippets [Google Webmaster]
  • Why Your Company Needs a Google Profile [Search Marketing Sage]

User Experience
  • 10 Ways to Analyze and Optimize a Site')s Performance [Design Reviver]
  • What should be above the fold on an e-commerce site? [Econsultancy]
  • Showcase Of Beautiful Textured Web Designs [Smashing Mag]
  • 100+ Clean, Simple and Minimalist Website Designs [Hongkiat]
  • Checkout Design - Constructive Criticism & Tips [Checkout Optimization]

Email Marketing
  • 50 All-Time Great Retail Subject Lines [VR Marketing Blog]
  • Email Rendering in Outlook 2007 [Exact Target]
  • Future of deliverability: The role of domain reputation [Email Marketing Reports]
  • Why Email Marketing Is Most Popular Form Of Online Lead Generation [Performance Insider]
  • Tips for getting more oomph from your B2B's email newsletter [B2B Web Strategy]

  • Analyzing Bounce Rate Using Compete Destination Analytics [Wordstream]
  • All That Bounces Is Not Bad [Web Analysis]
  • Searching for B2B Leads in Your Web Analytics [B2B SEO]
  • Five killer new features in the Google Analytics update [Econsultancy]
  • One Weakness To Facebook')s Social Analytics: Short URLs [All Facebook]

Radar Screen

  • Facebook Page Management Software Is The New Trend [All Facebook]
  • Hulu to charge for content, but needs to sweeten the deal [Ars Technica]
  • New Hitwise Stats: Facebook Dominating While Twitter Falls [All Facebook]
  • Making search more musical [Google Blog]
  • Gallery: Best business iPhone apps [Between The Lines]
  • StumbleUpon Gets a Facelift: Nips, Tucks, and a Streamlined UI [ReadWriteWeb]
  • Gets Major Overhaul: What We Can Learn [Website Magazine]

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