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May 14, 2009 - Spotting things you'll want to see today. |
This is the May 14 2009 edition of Who's Blogging What, a newsletter that covers 1,000+ top web marketing blogs for online professionals involved in social media, search marketing, email, user experience and web analytics. If you would like to be kept up to date you may enter your email address in the box at the right. |
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Big bad Wolfram? |
![]() Amidst a full pack of Google killers, Wolfram Alpha remains a bit of a loner. The new 'computational engine' developed by British physicist and mathematician Stephan Wolfram is set to launch Friday, live on It is clearly not a direct, foolhardy assault on the Googleplex although the NY Times raised the possibility that it could become a massive player without the need to search any web pages. PC World outlined Wolfram's efforts to provide answers, not links and to avoid Google's early bias to remove humans from the loop. Stephen's brother Conrad described Wolfram Alpha as a personal analyst while Google is more of a helpful librarian. Mashable provided a good review of WA's capabilities for the average user and many bloggers wondered if it was just a coincidence that Google announced a number of significant changes this week. Perhaps the most relevant was Google Squared which was described by TechCrunch as representing Google's very necessary efforts to provide structured results if they are to stay ahead of the pack. |
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Need to Refine a Twitter Strategy? (Or Get One Quick?) Go to TWTRCON SF 09. The first conference focused on Twitter as a business platform: how to engage customers and activate markets with Twitter. Register today using promo code DVYN18 and receive 20% off at TWTRCON SF 09. |
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