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Apr 23, 2009 - Spotting things you'll want to see today.

This is the April 23 2009 edition of Who's Blogging What, a newsletter that covers 900+ top web marketing blogs for online professionals involved in social media, search marketing, email, user experience and web analytics. If you would like to be kept up to date you may enter your email address in the box at the right.

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Maintaining your profile
Google wants to mark your profile

Google is not currently dominant in personal search, ceding much of that territory to Facebook and LinkedIn. This week they announced plans to rectify the situation with an expansion of Google Profiles. Search Engine Land provided a rundown of the new program, including an unplanned feature that could expose Gmail addresses through search. Tech Crunch blogger MG Siegler recently switched companies from Venture Beat and was in a good position to discuss the need for standards relating to profiles so that they can remain updated and accessible. The All Facebook blog noted that Google might soon challenge Facebook's huge advantage in identifying the profiles that are most relevant to your social graph.

The move will certainly further blur the lines between search and social media, which John Batelle emphatically characterized as a 'big deal'. Epicenter warned users to be very afraid of a program that could allow Google to crank up the monetization by telling advertisers who you are, what you search for, what you watch on YouTube and who your friends are.

Where is the profile situation heading? TechCrunch provided one possible scenario by highlighting the impressive Firefox extension Identify which can allow users to identify people 'with 2 keystrokes'.

The most useful posts of the week

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Social Media
  • 6 Twitter Search Services Compared (Mashable)
  • The Art of Writing Great Twitter Headlines (CopyBlogger)
  • 6 Weeks After Redesign, A Look at the Top 10 App Developers on Facebook by Reach (Inside Facebook)
  • The 25 Facebook Groups with Over 1 Million Members (Inside Facebook)
  • 5 steps for using LinkedIn as lead generation tool (B2B Lead Generation)
  • Six Ways You Should Be Using Twitter that Don't Involve Breakfast (LifeHacker)
  • B2B Social Media Dashboard: A Powerful Tool To Uncover Key Customer Insights (Search Engine Land)
  • March Web Stats Reveal Twitter Frenzy (Marketing Charts)

Please Tweet!

Search Marketing
  • The Split Keyword Phrase Works Like A Charm (SEO Journal)
  • Optimizing Your Google Base Data Feeds (Best Rank)
  • Advance SEO Tips for e-Commerce Site Architecture (Conversion Counts)
  • Using Demographic Exclusions to Improve Click-through-Rates (More Visibility)
  • Click Fraud Rate Drops 20%, But Gets More Sophisticated (Marketing Pilgrim)

User Experience
  • 16 Best Web Design Galleries for Inspiration (Six Revisions)
  • 7 Do's and Don'ts of Website Optimization Testing (Palmer Marketing)
  • 50 Trigger Words and Phrases for Powerful Multimedia Content (CopyBlogger)
  • 30 Creative Illustrative Website Headers (Six Revisions)
  • How To Use Help Elements To Improve Your Designs (Smashing)
  • 3 TED talks that will make you a better UI designer (Brian Cray)
  • Converting an Older Table-Based Email Template To CSS (Practical Ecommerce)

  • Back to Basics: 5 Fundamentals for Building Successful Emails (Stream Send)
  • Size Matters: 12 ways to grow your email opt-in list (VKI Studios)
  • Transactional Emails: Make Your First Impression Count (Email Insider)
  • Find out why your recipients unsubscribe (Campaign Monitor)
  • Email client report: March 2009 (Campaign Monitor)
  • Images in HTML email: time for change? (Email Marketing Reports)

  • Google Analytics API Launched! (Google Analytics Blog)
  • HOW TO: Track Social Media Analytics (Mashable)
  • Segmentation Options in Google Analytics (Analytics Talk)
  • 6 Tools You Can Use to Troubleshoot Google Analytics Yourself (ROI Revolution)
  • Back to Basics: Pressing the right buttons (Google Analytics Blog)
  • How To Monitor Your Rankings Using Google Analytics Advanced Filter Segmentation (Blogstorm)

Radar Screen

  • Twitter Quietly Launches a Competitive Product to Facebook Connect (Inside Facebook)
  • Google Analytics for Android (Analytics Market)
  • TwitZap: Another Real-time Twitter Client (BlackWeb 2.0)

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