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Apr 9, 2009 - Spotting things you'll want to see today.

This is the April 9 2009 edition of Who's Blogging What, a newsletter that covers 900+ top web marketing blogs for online professionals involved in social media, search marketing, email, user experience and web analytics. If you would like to be kept up to date you may enter your email address in the box at the right.

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One small step for FriendFeed...
Watching FriendFeed

The early adopters of social media have always paid close attention to innovations from FriendFeed so there was tremendous interest this week when the service announced a significant beta release. VentureBeat described the new features in mostly positive terms, calling it 'the most intuitive interface' they've seen yet. Mashable was also enthusiastic, with perhaps one telling caveat being that the new release felt like a web based Twitter client. The “I'm not Actually a Geek” blog offered side by side screen shots including a Facebook comparison and Broadstuff did their amusing 'read between the lines' interpretation of the forces behind the announcement.

Twitter, Facebook and FriendFeed are all trying to find ways to manage the real-time firehose. Bwana went into depth on Friendfeed's new filters that many bloggers felt were quite promising. Still, TechCrunch wondered if things moved too fast for the average user and VentureBeat came back to describe FriendFeed's efforts in 'be careful what you wish for' terms.

There were, of course, some voices who felt that the upgrade still left things to be desired. “The Social” found users that were a bit perplexed. Louis Gray suggested 10 possible next steps and Mashable streamed in with 5 more. The user revolt at FriendFeed was miniscule (by Facebook standards) with less than 200 members by Thursday morning.

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The most useful posts of the week

Social Networking
  • How to Monitor Your Social Media Presence in 10 Minutes a Day (HubSpot)
  • How To Boost The Conversion Rate On Twitter (Lucafiligheddu)
  • How to Increase Your Site's Traffic Through Facebook Share (Inside Facebook)
  • 15 Fascinating Ways to Track Twitter Trends (Mashable)
  • 7 Top Twitter Topic Trackers (ReadWriteWeb)
  • Posting to Profile Proving to be Important Viral Channel for App Developers (Inside Facebook)
  • Building a Brand through Social Media (Social Desire)
  • HOW TO: Build Your Personal Brand on Facebook (Mashable)
  • A look at Facebook's latest statistics: More status updates? More content sharing? (Venture Beat)
  • Five simple tips for building, managing and monetising online communities (Econsultancy)

Wow! Cool!

Want to make someone happy?

People on Twitter are happy to get Tweets with a single good link...and this page has dozens. Hit this button to be taken to your Twitter home page with a 111 character Tweet (leaving plenty of room for ReTweets). Use it if you like or come up with something even better. Thanks!


Search Marketing
  • 25 SEO tips to create trust with the search engines (Econsultancy)
  • A Big Bunch Of Link Building Ideas (Search Engine Land)
  • Write Better Pay-Per-Click Ad Text a (Search Marketing Standard)
  • Most Effective Ways to Search and Track Online Conversations (Search Engine People)
  • Using Twitter for search engine marketing (Pandia)
  • Fundamental SEO Ranking Factors (SEO Design)
  • 6 Tips for Google Webmaster Tools (Top Rank)
  • Google's Search Based Keyword Tool: Monetize The Long Tail of Search (Occam's Razor)
  • VIDEO - How to use Twitter for linkbuilding (Seer)

User Experience
  • 10 Simple and Impressive Design Techniques (Smashing)
  • The first question every web site designer must ask (Seth Godin)
  • Design To Sell: 8 Useful Tips To Help Your Website Convert (Smashing)
  • Showcase Of Well-Designed Tabbed Navigation (Smashing)
  • Tabbed Navigation, and What Makes it Useful (UX Booth)
  • Five Best Image Editing Tools (Lifehacker)
  • 8 Simple Ways to Improve Typography In Your Designs (Smashing)
  • What is the best way to handle e-commerce registration? (Econsultancy)

  • Top 10 Triggered B2B Email Marketing Campaigns (Anything Goes)
  • Improve email opt-in rates through the wisdom of crowds? (Email Marketing Reports)
  • Open rates climbing, click rates dropping (Word to the Wise)
  • How Long Should My Email Subject Line Be? (Marketing Insights)

  • Using Google Analytics for Keyword Segmentation and In-Depth Analysis (Practical Ecommerce)
  • 40% still use old Google Analytics script (Royal Pingdom)
  • Why Google Analytics May Not Be The Best Choice For B2B Marketers (Search Engine Land)

Radar Screen

  • How The NYC Subway Transit System uses the Internet and Social Media (Marketing.FM)
  • Glue Lets You Browse the Web With Your Facebook and Twitter Friends
  • TweetCall - Tweet by Voice (Socialble Blog)
  • YouTube Moving the Needle on Ad Sales (Ad Age)
  • Will Crank's Controversial Facebook App Rival Burger King's? (All FaceBook)
  • Changing of the Guard? Blackberry Passes iPhone Online (Compete)
  • Top 25 iPhone Apps Dominated by Games, SocNets (Marketing Charts)

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