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Nov 6, 2008 - Spotting things you'll want to see today.

Buried treasure in pirated videos?
Auditude can make money from pirated content

On Monday ad platform Auditude announced a unique collaboration with MySpace and MTV networks that amounts to a business model for pirated videos. eCommerce Times provided the details of how Auditude will 'fingerprint' user posted MySpace videos in order to overlay them with an ad and a proper credit to the video's true owner. The plan, which allows the videos to play after the ad, was hailed as a new win-win application of copyright laws by eBrandz. One of the few bloggers to voice any skepticism was Alexander van Elsas who cautioned that the new program would still be hampered by a natural aversion to online video advertising.

The technology that could identify content for removal but instead preps it for monetization presented some exciting new applications. ReadWriteWeb blogged about the analytical capabilities that Auditude was offering, and how it could allow content creators to not only make money from viral distribution but to track and learn where the content was finding its own new viewers.

Electoral College

For many online marketers the historical significance of the election included the large scale integration of internet marketing. Here are some things they learned:

  • Marketing lessons from the US election (Seth Godin)
  • Obama Used Mobile Advertising To Target Youth And Voters In Key Battleground States (mocoNews)
  • Obama's Social Media Advantage (ReadWriteWeb)
  • 3 Marketing Lessons from the Obama Campaign (SEM Exposed)
  • Barack Obama The First Social Media President? (Search Marketing Gurus)
  • How Successful Search Engine Marketing Can Take You to the White House! (Big Wave)
  • What Can Marketers Learn from the US Election (Mego)
  • Facebook Leaves its Mark On Elections (WebProNews)
  • Integrated Communications - Not Social Media - Won The Election (Dave Fleet)

Washington yanks Yahoo's lifeline to Google
A turnaround for Yahoo in sight?

Last minute changes to their vows failed to dissuade the Justice Department from squashing the proposed Yahoo/Google quasi marriage. Google annouced on Wednesday that pressure from the government contributed to their decision to walk away from the deal. eBrandz provided a good overview of the late breaking developments. Yahoo seemed to now be in a world of hurt according to the many bloggers, although ars technica pointed out that Yahoo's loss may yet turn out to be the advertising community's gain. e-Consultancy felt that Yahoo had lost sight of its mission and they offered 5 steps that could help them continue independently. A shotgun marriage with Microsoft seemed to be the most likely outcome for Yahoo, with Eric Savitz providing the rationale for a takeover in the $20 range.


Tools: New and/or improved

  • Superadvanced Google Analytics Reporting for AdWords (Fuel Interactive)
  • The 4 Essential Elements of a Great Social Media Campaign (Online Marketing Connect)
  • How to Use the New Google Web Search RSS Feeds (ReadWriteWeb)
  • What is Google Query Expansion? Cases and Examples (Search Engine Journal)
  • Google Analytics Profiles and Filters Part 1: The Must-Haves (Closed Loop)
  • How to Get the Most Out of LinkedIn (Mashable)
  • Must Have’s on your Brand Website (Nielsen Online)
  • Highlighting The New Google Analytics Release (searchnewz)
  • Tracking Email with Google Analytics (Analytics Talk)
  • 10 SEO Techniques All Top Web Sites Should Use (Freelance Folder)
  • 8 Great Tips From An Email Marketing Maven (HubSpot)
  • Internet Usage by Age, Gender, Race and More (ignite)
  • Search marketing statistics 2008 (Taming the Beast)
  • The Ultimate Web Analytics Data Reconciliation Checklist (Occam’s Razor)

Radar Screen: Web based media center Radus

Radus has launched as a web based media center that can aggregate RSS, video, photos and music into a slick and consistent user experience. Whether that is a necessary or even a good thing remains subject to debate but there seems to be a consensus that Radus is an impressive product.

  • Radus is a Media Center in Your Browser (Mashable)
  • Radus: Subverting the browser paradigm (Webware)
  • RADUS Debuts Slick Application For Consuming And Discovering Online Content (TechCrunch)
  • All Your Site Are Belong To Radus (Podcasting News)
  • New Media Hub RADUS Enables You to Search All Types of Media across PC, Mobile & Social Networking Sites (Alt Search Engines)


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