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Dec 21, 2010 - Spotting things you'll want to see today.
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This is the December 21 2010 special edition of Who's Blogging What, a newsletter that covers over 1,100 top web marketing blogs to help busy online professionals involved in social media, search marketing, email, user experience and web analytics. Listed below are the posts from 2010 that our readers found to be the most useful. Subscribers receive updated lists with new posts every Thursday. If you would like to be kept up to date throughout an important 2011 you may enter your email address in the box at the right.

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The most useful posts of 2010

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Special report from DNA13:
The Evolving Uses of Social Media

Download the full report here

Social media means that your customers and audiences are not limited to traditional information sources that are one sided and controllable. Important discussions are being held about your brand and products whether you are listening or not. Successful companies are benefiting from social media by taking an active role in the dialogue.

This report from dna13 explores new strategies for:

  • Planning and investing for a community role
  • Monitoring and measuring social efforts
  • How to make your website social media friendly
  • Examples of knowledge translation & fundraising

This report is provided courtesy of DNA13.

get the free report here
Download Now

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