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  May 6 2010 -  Spotting things you'll want to see today.
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This is the May 6 2010 edition of Who's Blogging What, a newsletter that closely monitors 1,100 top web marketing blogs for online professionals involved in social media, search marketing, email, user experience and web analytics. Subscribers are updated with highlights and useful new links every Thursday. If you would like to be kept up to date you may enter your email address in the box at the right.

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Google's new face of search

Google's 3rd Column

Ask, Yahoo and Bing are no longer the only major search engines with three column displays. This week Google joined the three column crowd. Search Engine Land took a thorough look at the changes and the impact on SEM, which stands to benefit if the new features promote deeper search. Google seemed to stray a bit from its minimalist approach and apparently believes that the added clutter will work. PC World was one blog that made the obvious comparison to Bing, noting that Bing was not particularly happy with the vertical approach and might lead a move back to tabs. Online Media Daily made the case that this was a first step towards a more visually oriented results page for Google.

Even the famed Google logo got a bit of a makeover, albeit one of the 'can you spot the difference?' variety.

Google never does anything nowadays without thinking about mobile so they touched up the mobile result page as well. They also signaled that much greater changes are coming for mobile when they purchased BumpTop, which offers a unique 3D desktop well suited for mobile (Android) devices.

Four tips for growing profits through online collaboration

Download the free report here

Online meeting technology has become an important tool used to create new customers and extend marketing reach. It has also become a proven method for maintaining customer satisfaction at lower costs. In this new white paper industry leader Cisco/Webex provides four tips that can lead to greater online profits.

Get this important guide, free>>

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The most useful posts of the week
Social Media
  • How to Use Facebook for Business and Marketing [Techipedia]
  • 5 Ways Small Business Can Leverage LinkedIn's New Features [Open Forum]
  • How Levi's and Facebook Prompt Your Friends To Improve Your Buying Experience [Jeremiah Owyang]
  • 21 Tips for Using Twitter and Facebook for Business [Brian Solis]
  • Fewer Clicks Coming for Facebook's CPM Advertisers [Marketing Pilgrim]
  • Two Facebook Page Apps for Doing Business [Duct Tape Marketing]
  • Twitter Launches Tool to Embed Tweets [HubSpot]
  • How To Use LinkedIn To Build Your Brand [Aussie Interet Marketing]
  • Ning Alternatives: Guide To The Best Social Networking Platforms [Robin Good]

Search Marketing
  • 5 SEO Tips for Google Personalized Search [Quick Online Tips]
  • PPC Magic: 3 Steps To Turning Hundreds Of Keywords Into Millions [Search Engine Land]
  • Five Great PPC Landing Pages [Wordstream]
  • Search Engine Optimization Tip: Check Your 404 Errors [Bill Hartzer]
  • New AdWords reports in Google Analytics [Inside AdWords]

User Experience
  • Killer Buttons That Increased Conversion Rates [ProImpact7]
  • Beautiful Contact Forms for your Inspiration [Web Designer Depot]
  • 20 Beautiful E-Commerce Websites [Underworld]
  • The Importance of Cross Browser Compatibility: Tips and Resources [Noupe]
  • 25 Examples of Wonderful Illustrations in Web Design [Webexpedition18]

Email Marketing
  • 9 marketing roles for your email words to play [Email Marketing Reports]
  • How to Write Effective Email Subject Lines [Volusion]
  • Five Steps to Improve Email Deliverability [Practical Ecommerce]
  • 10 horizontal scrolling emails [Style Campaign]
  • Conversion Tip: Making the Most of the Email Confirmation Thank you Page [Webanalysis]
  • The most critical SEO mistake in your email marketing [Thinking Inbox]
  • 5 Best Practices for Lead Nurturing Emails [HubSpot]

  • Google Analytics releases 38 features [Google Analytics]
  • The Growing Google Analytics Ecosystem [Google Analytics]

Radar Screen

  • Facebook Users Like Sex [Mashable]
  • The Fate of the Semantic Web [Pew Internet Research]
  • Top 50 Web Sites for March 2010 [Compete]
  • 10 Things to Try in Google Chrome 5 Beta [Google Operating System]

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