Just checking in
The mobile web picked up some speed this week. PR blogger Brian Solis summarized a Morgan Stanley research report describing a world where two out of every three web users are untethered. O'Reilly Radar corroborated with data showing that one of the jewels of the web, social search, was becoming a mobile phenomenon.
The foursquare system of 'checking-in' at a location is getting a lot of attention. The Bravo TV network launched a plan to engage users by having them check-in at show related locations. The media blog Poynter Online described how Canada's Metro News was using foursquare to push location based reviews to followers. Non-media brands told Ad Age about preliminary data indicating a 'huge potential' for directing traffic via check-ins.
Foursquare and its competitors may find their favorite locations to be extremely crowded very soon. Silicon Alley Insider revealed that Facebook is working on check-in technology meaning that people might soon cruise with their favorite networks and provide an attractive moving target for Facebook advertisers.