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Who's Blogging What is an email newsletter that thousands of web marketing professionals use to stay current on social media, search marketing, user experience, email, web analytics and all of the latest developments of web marketing. Every Thursday subscribers are updated with all new posts from the industry leaders.

This page contains samples from recent issues; a subscription is required in order to be kept up to date but you can request one for free here.

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Pinterest has been gaining this year

The Power of Pinning

Pinterest, the newest of the top 10 social networks, is emerging with something that all advertisers value: natural targeting. Users of the 'virtual pinboard' skew heavily female (58%) and aged 25-44 (59%). The site is highly visual and Pinterest says that 'People use pinboards to plan their weddings, decorate their homes, and share their favorite recipes'. Compete analyzed Pinterest's incoming and outgoing traffic and found that retail ecommerce sites were well represented.

ReadWriteWeb explained what it is like to get started with Pinterest (from a male perspective) and LunaMetrics provided a good look at six ways that brands could use the network. Pinterest has created two devices that are familiar to social media marketers -- web sites can install a follow button and a 'Pin It' button that is similar to a Facebook Like. Practical Ecommerce took a detailed look at the web site integration tools.

Pinterest is still 'invitation only' but brands are already on board and experimenting. Likeable described the efforts of nine brands that are early adopters and Search Engine Watch analyzed seven creative tactics that are available to marketers.

The functionality of Pinterest could obviously be replicated on one of the major networks (probably most easily by Google+ or Twitter) but there are some who believe that the specialized nature of Pinterest represents a new step for social networks. The Elad Blog wrote about push button curation, where users can easily share something that interests them without having to format a status update or worry about it getting lost in a stream. There is a lot going on with Pinterest, in will be interesting to see how much of it sticks around for the long term.

Sent to subscribers 1/19/2012      

The most useful posts about Facebook Most Useful Posts of 2011

Click to see the posts that our readers found to be the most useful about Facebook or about all of web marketing in 2011.

Here are the posts that subscribers found to be
the most useful so far this year:

Social Media
  • The Best Facebook Page Strategies and the Pages That Use Them [Inside Facebook]
  • Facebook Publishes Guide to Social Marketing Best Practices [ReadWriteWeb]
  • Easy ways to attract more fans to your Facebook page [Facebook Success Kit]
  • How to ensure that your Facebook Wall Posts are SEEN (Edgerank) [Social Media Club]
  • 20 free, awesome social media monitoring tools [Socialbrite]
Search Marketing
  • How to write the best PPC adverts [Deep Foot Prints]
  • 10 Super Easy SEO Copywriting Tips for Improved Link Building [SEOMoz]
  • 5 Ways to Optimize Images on a Website or Blog [HubSpot]
  • Where to Use Keywords in Corporate Blog Posts [Top Rank]
  • 7 Easy Steps To Turn Your Twitter Account Into A SEO Magnet [Search Engine People]
Email Marketing
  • The 4 Words That Will Get Your Email Opened [Copy Blogger]
  • 10 Effective Ways to Get More Email List Subscribers [Kissmetrics]
  • Designing email campaigns for Facebook Messages [Campaign Monitor]
  • Want 60-70% Open Rates on Your Emails? Here's How I Do It [Aweber]
  • Do's and don'ts for designing email newsletters [Web Designer Depot]
User Experience
  • 22 Creative Landing Page Designs [Unbounce]
  • 50 Effective and Creative Call to Action Buttons [Noupe]
  • 5 Landing Page Mistakes that Crush Conversion Rates [CopyBlogger]
  • How to make users scroll down your page [Conversion Rate Experts]
  • 3 Factors in Using a Microsite vs. Landing Page [Post Click Marketing]
Web Analytics
  • Using Google Analytics To Identify Problems & Opportunities On Your Website [David Naylor]
  • 7 tools to monitor your competitors' traffic [Socialmedia.biz]
  • HOW TO: Interpret Your Facebook Page Insights [Likeable]
  • Regular Expressions - Don't Use Google Aanalytics Without Them [Blue Glass]
  • The New Google Analytics Available to Everyone [Google Analytics]

The next issue with all new posts will be distributed this week. It is not too late to get on the list if you subscribe now. You can completely remove your address instantly by using the link provided with each issue, by replying with 'Unsubscribe' in the subject line or by contacting us at .

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